Saturday, June 12, 2010

good things about song

found this in my friend's tumblr, gak ada salahnya kan ya nulis yang sama ?

It’s Time To Turn On The Last Song…

List 10 musical artists you enjoy, in no specific order (do this before reading the questions below).


2: the panas dalam

3: maliq and d'essential

4: Sandy sandhoro

5: Justin Bieber

6: Febrian

7: armada

8: lady gaga

9: RAN !

10: rihana

What was the first song you ever heard by 6? cinta diam diam :)

What is your favorite song of 8? Telephone ! Hello, hello, baby. You called, I cant hear a thing

What kind of impact has 1 left on your life? CHERRIOS , life, love, sing, and FRIENDS :)

How many times have you seen 4 live? none, pengen banget liat, waktu itu giliran ada eventnya, eh besoknya gitu ujian. ya mana bisa. MENDING UJIAN , tapi i wish i can see him in live !

What is your favorite song by 7? semua orang tau lah ya, ini kaya udah jadi trademark gue dikampus, gue nyanyiin ini pas audisi JADOL alias jatinangor idol . hasilnya ? of course lah gue MENANG !!!

MENANGgung malu.
jadi lagunya adalah ? YUP ! bener, semuanya telah kuberiiii, dengan kesungguhan hati :)

Is there any song by 3 that makes you sad? yes,there is.

When did you first get into 2? ketika saya dpt lagu ini dari temen gue, terus semenjak gue baca buku ciptaan pidi baiq. hahaa , HIDUP PANASDALAM !

How did you get into 3? radioooo .

Favorite song by 4? all over his song <3

How many times have you seen 9 live? once, di acara openhouse UI. gak mungkin lupa ama kejadian ini.

What is a good memory concerning 10? apa ya ? gak ada .

Is there a song by 8 that makes you sad? no

Favorite song of 1? defying gravity <3<3

How did you become a fan of 10? sama seperti orangorang lah, denger lagunya, suka, puter lagunya ampe bosen .

What was the last song you heard by 5? Never say never, soundtrack karate kid. featuring jaden smith .

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